Champion’s Spotlight

Get to Know Aaron McClean

Sales Executive and Territory Manager


photo of Aaron McLean

Aaron McClean is a savvy Sales Executive and Territory Manager who believes that sales success requires creativity and a risk appetite. “Who wants just to tread water?” he asks. Each client presents a fresh opportunity for learning and innovation, which is how salespeople differentiate themselves. Failure and recovery, in his eyes, breathe life into one’s work. Outside the office, Aaron brings the same fiercely innovative spirit to home renovating and building saltwater aquariums, which challenge him to keep a balanced ecosystem right in his living room.

For Aaron, Demandbase One™ plays a critical role in building industry-leading ABM strategies. Demandbase One reduces misalignment, unnecessary ad spend, and unfruitful click-throughs. The platform brings accuracy and precision into a process that can be scattershot. In Aaron’s experience, Demandbase One:

  • Optimizes data for greater measurability
  • Reduces marketing waste
  • Focuses advertising on the right roles and departments

Aaron sought out a role as a Demandbase Champion because of his desire to educate new users on the platform. Plus the Demandbase community provides him with a vital forum for continuous learning.

Want to know more about Champion Aaron McClean? Check out the full interview below.

Demandbase: How did you hear about Demandbase? What was your journey in using the platform, and how did it support you and your company in establishing success?

Aaron: I was introduced to Demandbase through a 3rd party manufacturing company as the next vital pillar in creating an industry-leading ABM strategy. Through the use of this software, our marketing waste went down significantly. Being able to target accounts and specific roles meant we could save revenue by reaching the right departments in our advertising. This meant the end of wasted click-throughs. Demandbase supported us to clean up our data and run lean with specific, measurable goals.

Demandbase: Why did you apply to be a Demandbase Champion?

Aaron: Demandbase is a very robust platform with many use cases that deviate from out-of-the-box solutions. As a Demandbase Champion, I aim to help new and existing users maximize their experience and results. In this role, I can leverage what I have learned through using the software personally, and a value-add is my being an active member of the Demandbase community where I gather new understanding and insight.

Demandbase: What have been the highlights of your career?

Aaron: I have a long and successful track record in sales and marketing. Some of the highlights of my career include building and guiding an industry-leading inside sales team, managing multiple national sales teams, and creating and executing innovative ABM strategies for two manufacturing companies. Currently, I am training others in RevOps, a framework that aligns sales, marketing, and customer success to optimize revenue growth.

Demandbase: What do you like most about your work?

Aaron: The constant evolution of go-to-market strategies is critical to survival as a sales executive. Similar to a shark, the moment you stop swimming, you are dead in the water.

Demandbase: Where do you want to grow from here?

Aaron: I want to continue to build and identify new sales strategies and methodologies rather than treading water by implementing procedures already in the market.

Demandbase: Could you share some advice for others who aspire to be an ABM superstar, especially as a Sales leader?

Aaron: No one likes to fail, but it’s ok to fail. Every market and every customer is different. You, to some extent, learn as you go. What works for one may not work for another. So don’t hesitate to get creative and take risks. It breathes life into your job, and it’s the only way you will differentiate yourself from the rest of the competition.

Demandbase: What interests do you have outside of work? What do you do to reduce stress?

Aaron: I am always searching for creative outlets, and one of the most therapeutic for me is home renovations. To envision what something could be, tear down the existing framework, and make your vision a reality is one of the most rewarding things you can do.

Demandbase: What is something unique and unexpected about you?

Aaron: I’m addicted to saltwater aquariums. I thoroughly enjoy creating a balanced ecosystem that you can keep right in your living room.

Demandbase: What is your superpower? Or, said another way, what aspect of your personality helps you be most successful in your job?

Aaron: I won’t give up or accept failure as a final outcome. To me, the problems we encounter in our work are less important than how we react to them. That reaction and ability to respond creatively is what matters most.

Demandbase: Is there anything you want to add or highlight about your experience with ABM, your success, and how Demandbase is helping you?

Aaron: I have worked very closely with the Demandbase team over the past few years, and they have helped me transform my strategies into reality.

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