On-Demand Webinar

Demandbase + Gartner: Sales and Marketing Blueprint to Accelerated Revenue

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The silos between traditional sales and marketing functions still exist, creating tension between the teams and preventing each from fully executing their roles. CSOs and CMOs control separate parts of the revenue lifecycle, focusing on separate and distinct results. Studies have shown that leaders who collaborate and align their organizations achieve greater revenue growth.

Sales and marketing alignment can begin with a simple conversation, but achieving results requires aligning on key elements in the revenue lifecycle.

Join us for Sales and Marketing Blueprint to Accelerated Revenue where Jeffrey L. Cohen, Gartner Senior Principal Analyst, will present his new framework for sales and marketing alignment, which provides CSOs and CMOs with specific collaborative responsibilities and markers of alignment.

Plus, you’ll also hear from Jay Tuel, VP of Sales Enablement at Demandbase on an effective Sales and Marketing program known as “Shark Week” as an innovative way to kick start your quarter and align all your Revenue team resources for success.


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